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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Diversity and equity in Education: Race, ethnicity, and culture Event

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6 - 7 July 2022
Microsoft Teams Online

Event details

Method of delivery: Fully online via Microsoft Teams

Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers : TBC

Timeframe for proposals

Closing date for proposals: 22 May

Proposal feedback and acceptance: 1 June

Please submit proposals via the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT), Diversity and Equity in Education: Race, ethnicity, and culture (DEE2022) submission webpages

To submit a proposal you will need to create an account by registering . Further information on how to use the system can be found on the How to submit help pages

Call for proposals:

Developing inclusive and equitable educational practices is not only about promoting new techniques. More importantly, it is about “providing the space to review and unpack the social processes of learning that occur in specific [educational] contexts, and the actions and the thinking that inform these processes” (Ainscow et al, in UNESCO, 2017:25)

The University of Southampton student-led StudentPartnership for Education Reform group, in collaboration with the University of Southampton Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP), University of Southampton School of Education and University of Southampton Widening Participation Team, invite proposals in the areas of diversity and equity in education, specifically regarding race, ethnicity and culture. We are keen to involve participants from a wide range of backgrounds and contexts, including academics, teachers, students at all levels, and practitioners.

In recent years diversity and equity have been at the forefront of key discussions in all aspects of education theory, research, and practice. This conference seeks to bring together students and staff working in the education sector to consider and share discussions on race, ethnicity and culture, to challenge and tackle fundamental crucial questions in the area, and share good and innovative practices as a community.

Proposal submission guidelines and presentation formats

Proposal submission guidelines

Please include:

Conference theme(s) under which your proposal is to be considered for

Name / title and any affiliations

Title of your presentation

Proposal abstract in no more than 500 words

Two to three possible questions to guide the discussions following your presentation (optional);

A brief author(s) bio (no more than 100 words)

You are encouraged to include references where relevant (using the author+date format)

Review process

Each proposal will be reviewed by two members of the conference committee. Proposals are reviewed against the following criteria:

  • Does it explain how the proposal relates to the chosen conference theme?
  • Is it clearly and accessibly written (i.e. acronyms are explained, and in language appropriate for an international audience and from participants from different sectors)?
  • Does it state what participants will gain from the presentation and why they should attend?
  • Does it include details of what the presentation is based on, such as a particular project or initiative or practice?
  • Does it critically reflect on this and evaluate it (i.e. state how many learners/staff are involved, what feedback was collected and how transferable your experience/findings/tools are)?

Presentation formats

Presentation paper

30-minute slot (20-minute presentation, 10 minutes Q+A)

Proposal word limit: 500


Proposals for Workshops are welcomed in a variety of formats, but should be virtually hands-on, engaging and interactive. Please clearly demonstrate in your proposal how participants will engage.

Time slot: 60 minutes
Proposal word limit: 500

Digital Poster presentations

Digital poster sessions provide presenters with the opportunity to share their stories, experiences, research, and lessons learned using slideshows, images, videos, PowerPoint/Prezi.

Please state if you would like the opportunity to present your poster

Time slot if presenting: 20 minutes (presentation 10 minutes and question and Answer 10 minutes)

Proposal word limit: 500

Other formats

We would be open to discussing proposals for other creative formats these could be short demonstrations, Spoken Word, TED style talk, multimodel presentations, web content, digital stories, Pecha Kucha etc.

Time slot: 10 minutes
Proposal word limit: 500

Theme 1: Theory and research

We invite proposals on the theoretical frameworks, current or proposed research at all levels shaping the discussions on race, ethnicity and culture in education including:

  • Terms and concepts, the role of language and identities
  • Intersectionality and diversity in the UK.
  • The UK’s historical legacy in this area and how it impacts on education today
  • Discussions on Critical Race Theory and education
  • Discussions on privilege and education
  • Social inequality in Education
  • The achievement gap
  • Teacher expectations and subsequent impacts on achievement
  • Discussions on longitudinal data and the trajectory of inequality over the last twenty years

Theme 2: Reform and policy

We invite proposals on the theme of reform in relation to diversity and inclusivity in education in the following areas:

  • Leading change on a national (and local) scale.
  • Actions and methods to close the equality gaps in Education
  • Looking to the future

Theme 3: Practice

We invite proposals to share good practice, innovative methods and lived experiences in the areas of:

  • Education practice which encourages practitioners to frame their practices by recognising and challenging the systematic inequalities and different power relations that shape all individual and group social identities.
  • Methods that attempt to acknowledge and challenge historical forms of educational marginalisation that impact learning, success, and careers of students.
  • Student experiences

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