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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Promoting student self-regulation in assessment feedback: A whole school approach Seminar

12:00 - 13:00
1 November 2016
Southampton Education School Building 32, Room 2097

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Cristina Azaola at .

Event details


If assessment is to work more effectively for students and lecturers, a step change in higher education (HE) thinking is needed in order to reconceptualise the assessment feedback process to consider what student engagement in assessment means (Evans, EAT, 2016), and more specifically, how curriculum design can afford students the opportunities to develop the capabilities to be judges of their own learning (Boud & Molloy, 2013). For students to successfully manage the requirements of assessment they need to be able to self-evaluate their performance (Eva & Regehr, 2011; Sadler, 2005) and in order to do this they need to see themselves as agents of their own change.

High impact pedagogies within HE should be developing students’ self-monitoring of their own learning (Evans, Muijs, and Tomlinson, 2015). In supporting students’ self-regulation skills it is vital that we consider the student learning journey within HE in its entirety; i.e., the programme level experience of the student. Greater emphasis is, therefore, needed on team-based rather than individually constructed course design in enabling shared understandings, development, and the use of effective pedagogies (Bass, 2012).

In this session we will focus on the University Assessment Strategy priorities for 2016-2017, the role of the EAT Framework, and RAP Discipline Representatives (staff and students), and how we can work together to enhance effective and manageable assessment practices. A key part of this debate will be consideration of what are meaningful measures of impact in taking the strategy forward in Education.

Speaker information

Professor Carol Evans ,Professor in Higher Education , Co-Director of CHES

Dr Cristina Azaola ,Lecturer

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