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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Research Group: Design and utilisation of digital technologies

Currently Active:

The Southampton Education School has researchers active in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning; the use of digital technology to support teaching and learning, elearning, in a variety of lifelong and work-related learning settings.

A primary aim of such research is the promotion of opportunities for educational engagement, participation and inclusion. Our work includes:

  • Studying the underpinning pedagogical beliefs and conceptions of teachers who use digital technologies and the impact this has both the design of digital technologies and the student learning experience
  • Exploring the impact of digital technologies on learners and the role digital technologies can play in promoting inclusion
  • Developing enabling frameworks / models for Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Evaluating strategies and methods for improving and promoting access to digital technologies for learners from diverse backgrounds
  • Evaluating strategies and methods for improving and promoting access to digital technologies for learners from diverse backgrounds

Examples of Recent Thesis Topics

  • The contribution of online learning environments to learning in higher education
  • Staff and students' perceptions of e-learning in Saudi Arabian Higher Education
  • The role of e-portfolios and online identity tools in shaping the identity of adult continuing learners
  • The design and underpinning pedagogy of e-learning in Chinese Higher Education.

More information about the Video Learning Environment in the School of Education.

This research area comes under the Lifelong and Work-Related Learning Research Centre (LaWRL).

List of related projects to Design and utilisation of digital technologies
Related Projects Status
UK-Sino e-China programme - Dormant Dormant
Use of synchronous digital video for remote observation and feedback - Dormant Dormant
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