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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Research Group: Higher Education Research Group

Currently Active:

The Higher Education Research Group’s aim is to bring together innovative and leading-edge research in a wide range of contemporary, policy-related areas of higher education. The group acts as a forum for the presentation of research ideas through its regular series of seminars, as well as a vehicle for the production of new research in wide areas of higher education. Its remit and span of interests are broad and eclectic, encompassing a diverse field of interests and specialisms from both within Southampton Education School and across the University of Southampton. This includes: Higher Education, Lifelong Learning and Graduate Employability Access, Participation and transitions to Higher Education   Higher Education Policy, Management and Leadership Higher Education Learning, Pedagogy & the Student Experience Globalisation and Internationalisation of the Higher Education System

The group is keen to develop collaborative and multi-disciplinary research and undertake a range of policy-driven higher education research activities. It seeks to build upon its work on a range of externally-funded research, and to continue to promote links to the wider higher education, practitioner and policy community. Core activities of the group include:

  • Regular seminars involving the dissemination of higher education research by University of Southampton academics and practitioners, as well as external speakers from the academic, practitioner and policy fields. These are intended to provide discussion and debate in higher education issues and provide an opportunity for cross-disciplinary exchange. These seminars are open to all university members as well as others from different institutions with interests in higher education issues.
  • Seminars, workshops and group meetings to discuss the development of future research projects and capacity-building, including the development of research bids and potential collaboration.
  • Support for publications and for early-career doctoral students, including the opportunity for doctoral students to present their work and discuss research ideas in a supportive research environment.

For current seminars, click here .

Co-ordinator: Dr Michael Tomlinson

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