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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Research Group: Language and Literacy in Education

Currently Active:

Staff and students who work on Language and Literacy in Education are automatically members of the Language in Education Research Forum, through which links are encouraged across the Faculty with others researching on language in Arts and Humanities.

We offer supervision in all areas of Applied Linguistics as it relates to language teaching and research, including language policy, multimodality, the philosophy and history of language in education, teaching and learning languages, literacy, modern languages, and English as a first, second, foreign or additional language. We also research and supervise students in related areas such as Literature, Intercultural and Media Education.

Staff are involved in a number of curriculum development and evaluation activities at national and international levels, including, for example, work carried out for the DFES, TDA, QCA and for EU projects. Professor Jill Bourne is a past Chair of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) and a past Vice President of the International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA). Professor Mike Grenfell has co-directed two EU-funded research projects focusing on the development of a language teacher profile across members states, giving rise to a number of conferences, seminars and workshops throughout Europe and a co-authored book (European Language Teacher).

Contact: Alex Woodgate-Jones .

This research area comes under the Social Justice and Inclusive Education Research Centre.

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