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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School

Research Group: Marketing and Marketisation in Education

Currently Active:

We are the foremost international centre for research on Marketing and Marketisation in Education and our work includes research on young peoples' choice at 16, marketing by universities and schools, and the development of models of choice in careers and education.

The group, through research sponsored by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) has made and continues to make a significant contribution to policy and strategy debates in this field. We have established strong links with The Knowledge Partnership UK and have undertaken joint research to understand the likely response of students to the recently introduced new fees regime. With partners in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, our research on students’ attitudes to fees in HE has had a significant influence on UK government ongoing policy development in this area. Our work in the area of educational choice has expanded to embrace post 16 educational trajectories, choice and decision making and has contributed to evolving ideas in the 14-19 curricula developments.

The research area comes under the Centre for Leadership, School Improvement and Effectiveness (LSIE).

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