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The University of Southampton
Student Disability & Wellbeing Part of Student Services

Study and Wellbeing at Home

Please be reassured that support services continue to be available to students for mental health and wellbeing, disability, and Specific Learning Difficulties. You can find more information about how to access support from Enabling Services during this time here .

If you have concerns about your upcoming exams and/or assessment, the University has created a FAQs page, which can be found here.

Below is some further information to help you find out about some ways that you can look after your wellbeing whilst studying during the Covid-19 pandemic.

George Thomas Building

Support you can access

Enabling Services are supporting students online. Find out more information about the support you can access here.

Support you can access
Student studying at home computer

AERs for online assessment

The University's recommended approach to reasonable adjustments for online assessment.

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Image of student on phone

Staying Connected

Being connected with others is one of the ways we can support ourselves, here are some resources about ways that you can stay connected to others.

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Lady on laptop

Managing Change

It is natural to feel nervous or unsettled when there is a lot of uncertainty, here are some resources to help you manage during this time of change.

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Staying well at home

It is important to continue to look after your wellbeing whilst spending an increased amount of time at home, here are some tips to help with this.

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Person writing on paper

Studying at home

Studying at home will bring about new challenges, here is some practical information and resources about studying effectively from home.

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