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The University of Southampton
Student Disability & Wellbeing Part of Student Services Mental health and wellbeing

Want to talk to someone?

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If you are upset, worried or or struggling with something whilst you are at University, it can help to talk to someone about what you are going through. Talking to someone about what is troubling you can make a big difference to how you feel. Find out who you can talk to if you need some extra support with your mental health and wellbeing whilst at university. Find out more using the boxes below:

Wellbeing Chats

The Wellbeing Advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can provide the time and space for you to talk with one of the team and explore options for support.

Wellbeing Practitioner appointments

The team of Wellbeing Practitioners are dedicated to helping students facing difficulties in their life. The team offer 1:1 appointments via Microsoft Teams and in-person.


Counselling is an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or issues you may have in a supportive and safe environment. Find out about the University Counselling service and local services.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a structured form of talking therapy which looks at the link between your thoughts and behaviours. Find out more information here.

The Faith and Reflection Centre

The Faith and Reflection Centre is your home on campus; an oasis in the midst of your busy schedules. You don't have to have a religion or faith to come and use the space.

Personal Academic Tutor

Your Personal Academic Tutor offers one-to-one support and advice throughout your time at the University, and will support you in your studies or with other issues you may have.


The Students' Union Advice Centre provides free, independent and confidential support to all students.


Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. Once registered, you can get professional support and advice via online chat sessions with a Kooth practitioner.

Yellow Door

Offer a wide range of specialist therapeutic, support & prevention services to anyone at risk from or affected by domestic abuse, sexual violence/abuse or other forms of interpersonal harm.

There is also a wide range of services in the local community and nationally that are there to offer support and someone to talk to.

Your doctor
Your doctor is there to help you with your mental health as well as your physical health. The Mental Health Foundation has tips and advice about speaking with your doctor about your mental health - visit their webpage .

Samaritans (24/7)
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. If you need someone to talk to, Samaritans will listen. They won't judge or tell you what to do. You can call or email them, write them a letter, or visit them in your local branch.


Anxious? Worried? Stressed? Get 24/7 help from Shout's team of Crisis Volunteers. Text 85258 for free (all major mobile networks).

No Limits
No Limits is a charity which offers free and confidential information, advice, counselling, support and advocacy for children and young people under 26 who live in Southampton and Hampshire.

HOPELineUK is a confidential support and advice service for young people under the age of 35 who may be having thoughts of suicide.

Freinds and family

Friends and Family

Sometimes it can help to talk to someone you are close to. The Mind charity has some helpful information on talking to friends or family.

Talking to someone close
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