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The University of Southampton
Environmental Healthcare Unit

The Environmental Healthcare Unit investigates survival and metabolism of microorganisms and hospital decontamination

The Environmental Healthcare Unit (EHU) was established, within the School of Biological Sciences, in November 2000, with Professor C.W. Keevil as Director.

The Unit investigates the survival and metabolism of microorganisms in environmental, food, water and clinical samples, including biofilms. In addition, work is concerned with prion diseases, with a particular focus on hosptial decontamination procedures of surgical instruments and endoscopes.

Copper takes on the superbugs

A range of copper alloys have been examined for their antimicrobial properties against bacterial pathogens, including Escherichia coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

EHU Consultancy work

The Environmental Healthcare Unit provides a Consultancy Service for companies who wish to undertake research involving new antimicrobial products, novel antimicrobial therapies and new hospital cleaning chemistries.

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