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The University of Southampton
Energy at Southampton

Energy in Transport

Energy and its uses are an integral and essential part of our lives. Energy has always been associated with engineering through infrastructure developments, and this includes transportation; but in the modern world, our focus turns increasingly towards the environment and creating a sustainable future.

Cutting edge research into energy efficiency in transportation
Supporting Sustainable Transport

Research into Transport and Energy at Southampton encompasses  a wide range of issues; from modelling data-gathering on individual transport use to inform transport policy to enhancing engine performance to increase fuel efficiency. From studying carbon emissions from high speed trains to reducing journey times by improving vehicle flow in complex traffic systems.

The development of artificial intelligence-based approaches to junction control is one of many new and promising technologies that can make better use of existing urban and road capacity, while reducing the environmental impacts of road traffic. Our research aims to emulate this approach in a new kind of software to provide significant benefits in improving the efficiency of traffic flow and hence fuel efficiency.

Current research projects include 6th Sense Transport (6ST) the purpose of which is to revolutionise the process of decision making in travel behaviour (whether it be for the movement of people or things) by using social networking principles to create 'visibility' of potential transport options in time and space. The key research objectives through which the vision will be achieved are to explore the interplay between society's time schedules and technologies o create potentially new, carbon-reduced personal and freight mobility options... Read more

Postgraduate Research opprtunities in Energy and Transport at Southampton include the Eng.D in Transport and the Environment with is emphasis on avoiding, reducing or mitigating the environmental impacts of transport, through resource and energy efficiency, pollution minimisation and ecosystem management.

And the 4th year module on Transport, Energy and the Environment (CENV6112)

Image of students
Southampton student in eco-challenge to drive the length of Britain
Image of ships
Energy efficient ships
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