Professor Atul Bhaskar PhD
Professor of Applied Mechanics

Dr Atul Bhaskar is Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Computational Engineering and Design Group within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.
Atul is currently working as a Professor in Applied Mechanics in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton. He is a member of the academic staff of the Computational Engineering and Design Research Group and teaches subjects in the discipline of Aeronautics & Astronautics within the School. He received his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering (IIT, Kanpur, India, 1985), Masters in Applied Mechanics (IIT, New Delhi, India, 1989) and PhD in Mechanics (Cambridge University, UK, 1992). Before joining academia, he worked with industry (aeronautical and mechanical equipment design) for two years.
Awards, scholarships and honours
1.Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering
2.George Stephenson prize and medal (IMechE).
3. Fellowship of Churchill College, Cambridge.
4. Senior Rouse Ball Studentship awarded by Trinity College, Cambridge.
5. T.A. Stewart-Dyer Prize (IMechE).
6. Frederick Harvey Trevithick Prize (IMechE).
7. Ford of Britain Trust Scholarship (for part of doctoral work).
8. Cambridge Nehru Scholarship jointly awarded by the Nehru Cambridge Trust and Cambridge
Commonwealth Trust for doctoral work (10/88-9/91).
9. Overseas Research Studentship tenable at the University of Cambridge (10/88-9/91).
10. Fellowship of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society.
11. Ranked first with the highest possible GPA: 10.0/10.0 (IIT, Delhi).
12. Ranked second in examination board (Intermediate Science Examination, equivalent to A-levels)
13. State Merit Scholarship based on performance at the school and at the undergraduate level (7/79-
14. Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Major research grants held
1. Structural Dynamics of Cellular Solids. Supported by EPSRC. £65,111
2. Multi-level Optimisation for the Design and Manufacture of Aero-engine Components (PI). Supported
by Rolls-Royce Plc. £148,818
3. Manufacturing and Modelling of Fabricated Structural Components (PI). EU (FW V). £126,663.
4. The role of shape and topology in structural design (PI), EPSRC, £398,950 (fEC)
5. DYNAMAG (Co-I) supported by FP7 (EU). $300,000.
6. Design and prototype manufacture of a marine system (PI). Victor Marine Ltd. (Knowledge Transfer
Partnership: Victor Marine/ EPSRC/TSB). $122,500.
7.Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering
8.ReBioStent (FP7, EC-funded): for research in the area of mechanics of bioresorbable stents
9.PIPER (FP7, EC-funded): for research in the area of human body modelling
10.HyMedPoly (H2020, EC-funded): for research in the area of medical polymers for medical device development
11.ACTIVE (EC-funded): for hosting several PhDs and post-docs in the areas of structural mechanics, applied mathematics, biophysical modelling
12.InDESTrust (H2020, EC-funded): for research leading to integrated structural design
13.UKIERI grant with IIT Delhi (British Council/DST): for research in the area of mechanics, design and manufacture of porous and structured material
14.British council exploratory and travel grants
15.Royal Academy of Engineering grant to host “Distinguished Visiting Professor”
16.Knowledge Transfer Partnership for a marine system (with Samuel Hodge Ltd)
17.Knowledge Transfer Partnership for structural design (with SMD Ltd)
1. “A knowledge based approach to response surface modelling in multifidelity optimisation”, inventors:
S. J. Leary, A. Bhaskar and A. J. Keane, UK Patent Office No. 0217090.0 (24/07/02), Rolls Royce plc
ref: DY-3011.
2.“Optimisation of sequential combinatorial processes”, inventors: I. Voutchkov, A. Bhaskar and A. J.
Keane, UK Patent Office Application No. 0321420.2 (12/9/03), Volvo Aerospace ref: 14603, University
ref: 1788.
3. “Sequential combinatorial process optimisation”, inventors: I. Voutchkov, A. Bhaskar and A. J.
Keane, UK Patent Office Application No. 0321.
4. “Hingeless Folding and Unfolding Device and Mechanism Thereof”. Indian Patent application
through IIT Delhi. inventors: A. Bhaskar, P.K. Purohit, R. Gopalakrishnan and N.K. Gupta.