Dr Andrea Boghi BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Fellow

Dr Andrea Boghi is a Research Fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.
His research interest is the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of transport phenomena, in particular reactive, multiphase and turbulent flows. His current position focuses on the modelling and simulation of biological flows and transport and reaction of nutrients in the rhizosphere.
Prior to the present role, Dr Boghi was Senior Research Fellow at Cranfield University ( 10/2013 - 03/2018 ). During his time at the Centre for Environmental and Agricultural Informatics , ( 12/2017 - 03/2018 ), he worked on the NERC LoRise project, developing mathematical models for the transport and reaction of Uranium and CO 2 diffusion in soils. Dr Boghi also worked for the Atmospheric Centre ( 05/2016 - 11/2017 ), acting as module leader for the Atmospheric Emissions Modeling module , and working on the “ Pollutant Diffusion from Urban Topography ” project, modelling CH 4 emissions in atmosphere, in collaboration with the Environment Agency. Dr Boghi worked for the Water Science Institute ( 11/2015 - 04/2016 ) by collaborating with Scottish Water on the design of Chlorine Contact Tanks. Initially ( 10/2013 - 10/2015 ), he was based at the Energy and Power Division , where he worked in collaboration with Alyeska Pipeline and Science Deployed LLC , on the modelling and simulation of pigging in waxy-oil pipelines.
Prior to his role in Cranfield, Dr Boghi gained significant experience as a post-doc at a number of leading institutions. He worked at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse , OTE group ( 10/2012 - 09/2013 ), for the AGREMEL Project, supported by Foundation STAE, which consisted in the Shallow-Water modelling and simulations of atmospheric flows on urban topographies. Dr Boghi also worked at the University of Southampton , in the Energy and Technology Department ( 08/2010 - 08/2012 ) at the ‘Pore-level Network Modelling of the Miscible Displacement’ project, funded by EPSRC and the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ ( 06/2010 – 08/2010 ), working on Large Eddy Simulations of submerged jets.
Dr Boghi obtained his BSc ( 11/2004 ), MSc ( 10/2006 ) in Biomedical Engineering and PhD ( 06/2010 ) in Engineering of Energy and Environment at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ as well. During his PhD he worked on the RANS modeling of momentum, heat and mass transfer with variable molecular diffusivities, in turbulent flow. He also worked on image based modelling of blood flow in arteries, stent design and Magneto-therapy. At the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ , Dr Boghi was also teaching assistant ( 11/2006 - 06/2010 ) for the following modules: Thermal Fluid Dynamics of Biological Systems, Computational Methods in Thermal Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow and Applied Thermal Fluid Dynamics.