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The University of Southampton

Dr Arjen van Veelen BSc., MSc in Soil Science and PhD in Geochemistry

ERC Research Fellow

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Dr Arjen van Veelen is an ERC Research Fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Phosphorus mobility in soils and nuclear waste disposal studies using X-ray spectroscopy

Arjen van Veelen is currently working on geochemical pathways and bioavailability of nutrients in soils.

In 2008, Arjen obtained a MSc degree in Soil Science, specialisation Soil Quality from Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands. After nearly two years of industry as consultant soil pollution and remediation at Royal HaskoningDHV, Arjen commenced a PhD at the University of Manchester in 2010. His PhD research focussed on uranium interaction with Mg-rich minerals, (first-generation MAGNOX fuel power plants), using state-of-the-art synchrotron spectroscopy techniques. In 2014, Arjen obtained his PhD in Environmental Geochemistry and Geomicrobiology from the University of Manchester.

From 2014-2016, he conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Manchester. In this role he studied radionuclide mobility and adsorption in hyper-alkaline systems relevant for Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) conditions, using in-situ techniques.

Arjen joined the University of Southampton in September 2016 to work as a Research Fellow on the ERC funded DIMR project. The aim of this project is to develop an imaged based model of physical and chemical properties of soil, soil-root and mycorrhiza-soil interactions.

Work history

2016 - present University of Southampton, Research Fellow

2014 - 2016 University of Manchester, Postdoctoral Research Associate

2010 - 2014 University of Manchester, PhD candidate Environmental Geochemistry

2008 - 2010 Royal HaskoningDHV, consultant Soil Pollution and Remediation

Research interests

  • Mineral Surface Chemistry
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Aqueous Geochemistry
  • Mineralogy
  • Soil Quality and Fertility
  • X-ray and particle beam techniques

Research group

Bioengineering Science

Affiliate research group

Bioengineering Science


Dr Arjen van Veelen
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Dr Arjen van Veelen's personal home page
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