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The University of Southampton

Dr Birendra Shrestha BE MSc PhD MCIHT

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Birendra Shrestha's photo

Dr Birendra Shrestha is Visiting Research Fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

I am researching to help buses as they provide sustainable alternatives to car.

Birendra Shrestha is a Visiting Research Fellow to the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton.

Birendra was a member of TRG since 1999, when he began working towards his Ph.D. During his Ph.D (1999-2003) his research interests were mainly focused on the development of a microscopic simulation model SIMBOL and its application to develop advanced bus priority strategies incorporating AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) systems. After completion of his PhD, Birendra started working in TRG in 2003. He is mainly involved in the research area of bus Priority at traffic signals and new urban traffic management technologies. He was involved in the various studies carried out in the area of bus priority at traffic signals, using simulation model SIMBOL.

Apart from bus priority, Birendra was also involved in various researches including: Urban Traffic Management (UTM) technologies, review of research and teaching in the area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). At present, Birendra is analysing the need of older people using public transport and existing facilities available to develop recommendations for future research requirements; working to develop methodology for transferring innovative urban transport and mobility measures from one city to another; and researching the ways to open up traffic data for enhanced traveller information.

Birendra now works with Transport for London.

Research interests

Birendra is interested to research into the way to reduce traffic congestion in urban areas using various Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications. This includes:

  • Reducing bus delays at traffic signals
  • Identifying research needs on older people using public transport
  • Opening up traffic data for enhanced traveller information

Reducing bus delays at traffic signals
Buses are very effective in utilising roadspace with their high passenger carrying capacity. As they are one of the viable alternatives to address growing congestion, reducing their delays is an important transport agenda. In urban areas, where there are a number of traffic signals, the delays to the buses can be reduced is by giving them priority at traffic signals. This research is focussed on bus priority at traffic signals using GPS-based Automatic Vehicle Location system. Specifically, the research is now being carried out to develop advanced strategies for giving targeted bus priority at traffic signals utilising such system. The research has involved a combination of state-of-the-art review, mathematical and statistical analyses along with the simulation modelling using SIMBOL, the model that I developed for this purpose.

Opening up traffic data for enhanced traveller information
Traveller information is generated from a wide range of traffic data sources including those related to car park occupancy, incidents, roadworks, CCTV images and real time public transport operations. Traditionally, such information is disseminated by local authorities using various media such as real time information signs at bus stops, VMS, SMS text, internet, etc. With the growing use of smartphones, there is an increasing trend of providing traveller information in such devices. In such dissemination process, provision of traffic data in open access form allows any third party to develop apps which uses the. This approach enables the private sector to deliver travel information to the targeted users in a variety of ways that are easier to comprehend. This research carries out a number of city case studies around the world and develops requirements for successful implementation.

Identifying research needs on public transport needs of older people
People’s life expectancy is increasing throughout the world as a result of improved living standards and medical advances. Public transport is important to older people’s quality of life, their sense of freedom and independence. Access to public transport can help older people to avail of goods, services, employment and other activities. Recognising the growing population of older people, their needs addressed or reflected recognised in many national and international policies and measures are implemented. However, the level of implementation varies from country to country and place to place. This research analyses the current provisions against the needs of different GOAL profiles of older people identify the research gaps that need to be understood and tackled to make older people friendly public transport for 21st century.

A bus travels on green light
Green light for buses
Bus priority simulation model - SIMBOL
Bus priority simulation
GOAL profiles of older people
GOAL profiles of older people

Research group

Transportation Group

Research project(s)

GOAL: Growing Older - Staying Mobile

NEARCTIS: A Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Co-operative traffic management in the Information Society

TIDE – Transport Innovation Deployment in Europe

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It is intended that Birendra will give the occasional lectures on Traffic Engineering to students at the University of Southampton.

Dr Birendra Shrestha
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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