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Dr Craig Allison MSc, BSc (Hons), PhD

Visiting Academic

Dr Craig Allison's photo

Craig Allison is a Visiting Academic within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Craig completed his undergraduate degree from the University of Southampton in Psychology in 2009. Following a time working in adult education, in partnership between LearnDirect and Portsmouth City Council, Craig became interested in the role of technology in transforming people lives and aspirations. Craig returned to the University of Southampton to complete an MSc in Web Science, based within the Web Science Doctoral Training Centre, School of Electronics and Computer Science. Craig Continued his work with virtual environments into his PhD, exploring how individuals remain oriented within digital environments including 3d virtual worlds and digital maps.

Craig started in the Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton, in October 2015, employed on the Future Flight Deck programme, a collaborative research project between the University of Southampton, GE Aviation, BAE Systems and Coventry University exploring human factors in future cockpit design. He left the University in October 2019.

Research interests

My PhD topic was "Exploring Orientation within Geovisualisations and Virtual Nested Environments", funded by EPSRC (Passed Subject to examiners accepting corrections).

Supervisors: Dr Edward Redhead (Psychology, University of Southampton) and Richard Treves (Geography, University of Southampton)

Research group

Transportation Group

Research project(s)

Dr Craig Allison
Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF

Room Number : 176/4037/B1

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