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The University of Southampton

Dr Daniel Bull Meng, PhD, CEng, MIMechE

Visiting Fellow

Dr Daniel Bull's photo

Daniel Bull is a visiting fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Daniel completed his masters in mechanical engineering at the University of Warwick. He then went on to complete a PhD at the University of Southampton where his focus was on damage resistance and damage tolerant composite materials. Part of the novelty of his research was the application of X-ray computed tomography (CT) for damage assessment where he developed novel in situ time-series experiments and 3D volumetric quantification methods to understand better approaches to material toughening strategies.

Since completing his PhD, Daniel has worked on a number of research and industrial consultancy projects at the University of Southampton and collaborated with researchers across the globe. His work includes composite, metallic and geotechnical materials; structural behaviour; damage detection and quantification approaches; X-ray computed tomography; and root cause analysis.

Research interests

Daniel’s projects cover a broad range of research activities including:

  • Understanding failure and structural behaviour in composite and metallic materials.
  • The mechanical stabilisation of soil by plant roots.
  • Developing better models from experimental data.
  • Development and application of novel sensors (distributed optical fibre sensing and planar optics) in partnership with the ORC for composite structural health monitoring.
  • Novel applications of X-ray computed tomography to understand material and structural behaviour, including time-series in situ experiments.
  • Development of quantification tools and approaches from volumetric and image data.
  • Image based strain and stress measurement, including digital image correlation, digital volume correlation and thermoelastic stress analysis.

Novel X-ray computed tomography at µ-VIS

Daniel has conducted a number of unique experiments from X-ray computed tomography at µ-VIS .

PhD supervision

  • Irene Jimenez Fortunato


Daniel has worked with a number of collaborators and research groups from many institutions across the globe. These include:

  • Synchrotron facilities: Swiss light source (SLS) - Switzerland, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) – France, and SPring-8 Japan.
  • EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub
  • Collaboration on projects from national and international institutions:
    • UK: University of Bristol, University of Manchester, University of Bath, University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, University of Dundee, the National Composites Centre, and the James Hutton Institute.
    • International: Anna University (India), Uppsala University (Sweden), Bringham Young University (USA), Kyushu University (Japan), and the University of Auckland (New Zealand).

Research group

Infrastructure Group

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Dr Daniel Bull
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
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