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Dr. Jeanne  M.F.A. Blanchard MEng, PhD, AMRINA

Visiting Researcher

Dr. Jeanne  M.F.A. Blanchard's photo

Jeanne Blanchard is a Visiting Researcher working on design for manufacture of sustainable structures within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Jeanne Blanchard graduated from the University of Southampton with an MEng (Hons) in Ship Science in 2013.

After this she completed a PhD in the Maritime Engineering group at Southampton on the feasibility of natural fibre reinforced composites for structural applications, including multiscale experiments and design of a flax and E-glass structures of equivalent reliability.

On completion of her PhD, she was awarded the EPSRC doctoral prize which allowed her to develop independent research on sustainable composites, including the use of optimisation methods to determine which material combinations allow for sustainable sandwich structures that meet design rules.

She was then working to introduce sustainable composites into spacecraft and commercial vehicles while simultaneously improving their manufacturability.

Jeanne was working with the Centre of Excellence in Intelligent & Resilient Ocean Engineering, part of the activities of the Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies in Intelligent & Resilient Ocean Engineering . She was working on the feasibility of using sustainable materials across a range of offshore applications, to reduce their environmental impact and end of life recycling issues.


Research interests

  • Natural fibre reinforced composites
  • Sustainable composite materials for structural applications
  • Structural reliability analysis
  • Composite modelling
  • Structural optimisation for manufacturing

Her main research areas include:

  • The design for manufacture of composite structures, using optimisation techniques to improve the performance of the structure and their manufacturability.
  • The development of sustainable structures, using natural fibre reinforced composite materials and bio sustainable sandwich composites. The material selection is performed objectively with AI and compared with conventional composites.

Research group

Infrastructure Group

Affiliate research group

Maritime Engineering

  • Lecturing on Composites Engineering Design and Mechanics module ( SESG6039 )
  • Coordinator for the Future Marine Engineering summer course - SmallPeice trust
Dr. Jeanne M.F.A. Blanchard
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

Room Number : 176/3027/B1

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