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The University of Southampton

Dr JunFen Shi

Research Fellow

Dr JunFen Shi's photo

Dr JunFen Shi is a Reseach Fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Research interests

  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Total hip and knee replacement
  • Application of multi-body dynamics in biomedical engineering

Research project: Retrospective clinical verification of patient specific finite element models of total hip and knee replacement
This project is part of an EU funded research project entitled "Enhanced patient safety by computational modelling from clinically available X-rays to minimise the risk of overload and instability for optimised function and joint longevity" or MXL. The aim of the MXL project is to develop computational tools to assist in the decision making process for orthopaedic surgeons performing total joint replacement.

The aim of this retrospective study is to generate patient specific FE models of total hip and knee replacement patients and compare the model predictions with the known clinical outcome. This study will establish between pre-clinical testing and actual clinical performance. My role in this project is to generate patient specific FE models from CT data and patient geometry developed from the MXL project.

View the MXL project website

Research group

Bioengineering Science

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Wang CJ, Shi JF, Morgan C, Mynors DJ. (2011) Design and Simulation of a Femoral Component Peg in Total Knee Replacement. Key Engineering Materials . Vol. 450, pp 111-114.

Liu J, Shi JF, Fitton LC, Phillips R, O’Higgins P, Fagan MJ. The application of muscle wrapping to voxel-based finite element models of skeletal structures. Accepted for publication in Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology.

Fitton LC, Shi J, Liu J, Fagan MJ, O’Higgins P. (2010) Functional loading, facial remodelling and the formation of the maxillary sinus and maxillary fossa in Macaca fascicularis and Cercocebus torquatus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141:S50, 105.

Curtis N, Jones M, Evans SE, Shi JF, O’Higgins P, Fagan MJ. (2010) Predicting muscle activation patterns from motion and anatomy: modelling the skull of Sphenodon (Diapsida: Rhynchocephalia). Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Vol. 7 no. 42 153-160

Shi JF, Curtis N, Fitton L, O'Higgins P, Fagan MJ. (2009) The effect of variations in muscle positions in a complex biomechanical model of a macaque skull. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138:S48.

Curtis N, Evans SE, Jones M, Shi JF, Fagan MJ. (2008) Predicting muscle forces and activation rates during mastication; a multi-body computer modelling study of Sphenodon Punctatus (lepidosauria: rhynchocephalia). Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 28:S3, 71A.

Shi JF, Curtis N, Fitton L, O’Higgins P, Fagan MJ. (2008) Musculoskeletal modelling of a macaque skull – sensitivity studies. Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 28:S3, 141A.

Shi JF, Wang CJ, Berryman F, Hart W. (2008) The effect of polyethylene thickness in fixed- and mobile-bearing total knee replacements. Proceedings of the I MECH E Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 222(H5), 657-667.

Shi JF, Wang CJ, Laoui T, Hart W, Hall R. (2007) A dynamic model of simulating stress distribution in the distal femur after total knee replacement. Proceedings of the I MECH E Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine. Vol 221(8), 903-912.

Shi JF, Wang CJ, Laoui T, Hall R, Hart W. (2005) The Influence of Surgical Malalignment on the stress distribution in the fixed and mobile bearing knee implants. Knee Arthroplasty: Engineering Functionality (7-9 April 2005, The Royal College of Surgeons, UK).

Dr JunFen Shi
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
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