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The University of Southampton

Dr Milan Lovric

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Milan Lovric's photo

Dr Milan Lovric is a Visiting Research Fellow in the Transportation Research Group of the University of Southampton, currently working as a transport modeller for the ITRC’s project MISTRAL ( Multi-Scale Infrastructure Systems Analytics ).

Milan’s research interests lie in agent-based modelling and simulation, with applications to transport, economics and finance. He obtained a doctoral degree in finance from the Erasmus University Rotterdam and a graduate engineering degree in computing from the University of Zagreb. The topic of his PhD dissertation was “ Behavioral Finance and Agent-Based Artificial Markets ”.

Following his PhD studies, Milan was a postdoctoral researcher at the Rotterdam School of Management , where he was involved in the NWO-Complexity project with Tsinghua University on behavioural revenue management for the public transport industry in China and The Netherlands.

He was one of the modellers in the pioneering FP7 project CRISIS ( The Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic Instabilities ) at the INET Institute for New Economic Thinking , in the capacity of sponsored visiting researcher at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford and consultant at the Santa Fe Institute.

Prior to joining the Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton, as a Research Fellow in 2016, he was a postdoctoral associate at the SMART Centre of MIT (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Future Urban Mobility group) where he employed various cutting-edge techniques for modelling transport networks in Singapore.

Research interests

Milan’s current research focuses on the development of a multi-modal transport model for the UK. The objective of his research is to increase the spatiotemporal resolution of the ITRC’s transport model to enable strategic and operational policy analysis and examine the role of cross-sectoral interdependencies.

Research Project: ITRC MISTRAL

Research group

Transportation Group

Research project(s)

UKCRIC Strand C: Data Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure

ITRC MISTRAL – Transport Research

Dr Milan Lovric
Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Burgess Road, Southampton, SO16 7QF

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