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The University of Southampton

Dr Steve  Dorney BA MSc PhD

Principal Public Engagement Fellow

Dr Steve  Dorney's photo

Dr Steve Dorney is Principal Public Engagement Fellow within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Steve Dorney joined the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment in 2011 after 5 years at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research developing science communication and public engagement activities in acoustics. He has worked previously in engineering, education and the third-sector. Current activity extends to impact enhancement, student employability and outreach, as well as core support for Public Engagement with Research (PER).

"Bringing Research to Life" Roadshow , touring up to 9 research-based activities each year to destinations including Cheltenham Science Festival

"Maritime Engineering Connections" collaboration with WightLink, Lloyd’s Register and Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute funded by an RAEng Ingenious award

"Consulting for Sustainable Development" workshop series

"Future Cities" engineering outreach collaboration with The Smallpeice Trust

Public Engagement Training

Impact Days


Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award (2008)

The Institute of Acoustics Award for Promoting Acoustics to the Public (2011)

Solent EBP Award for Innovative STEM Exhibit Design (2012)

Other Activities

Alongside numerous projects with regional schools, colleges, community groups and science centres, Steve was responsible for the Southampton input to the EPSRC Sound Matters Stage Award. He has led on multiple National Science and Engineering Week activities, partnerships with Solent EBP, educational game development, and a range of arts/science projects with Hampshire Dance and other creative organisations.

Dr Steve Dorney
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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