The LRET and University of Southampton Research Collegium in Advanced Ship and Maritime Systems Design Event
- Date:
- 11 July 2011 - 2 September 2011
- Venue:
- The Collegium will be held at the Seminar Room 2001, 1st Floor, Building 28, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton. [Please see Highfield campus map under Useful downloads]
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Mrs Aparna Subaiah-Varma - Research Group Administrator on +44 (0)23 8059 7745 or email .
Event details
The Lloyd's Register Educational Trust (LRET), in collaboration with the University of Southampton, plans to institute an annual research collegium in Advanced Ship and Maritime Systems Design in Southampton starting in the summer of 2011. The collegium will comprise academic faculty staff and (predominantly young) research scholars from various LRET Centres, and a few engineers from leading industrial establishments.
Successful ship and maritime systems design depends on the collaborative application of a broad range of engineering competences as the drive for improved efficiency and environmental performance places greater demand on the design community. The education of naval architects, marine engineers and others who are the active contributors to the ship design process is traditionally heavily focussed on engineering fundamentals, often aligned with traditional university course constraints. The teaching of design as an interdisciplinary activity, which brings into the process from initial idea through concept into a deliverable reality and which includes a range of engineering branches and interactions between these, is therefore largely absent from most university curricula.
Aim and format
The aim of this collegium is to provide an environment where young people in their formative post-graduate years can learn and work in a small, mixed discipline group drawn from the maritime community to develop their skills through completed a project in advanced ship design. The project brief for each project will be designed to set challenging user requirements, encouraging each team to develop an imaginative solution using their own individual knowledge and experience together with skills they have learnt from lectures at the beginning of the collegium.
This initial structured programme of taught modules will focus on the design process, advanced technologies, emerging technologies and novel marine solutions, regulatory and commercial issues, design challenges (such as environmental performance and climate change mitigation and adaptation) and engineering systems integration. Lecturers will be drawn from both academia and industry to provide a mind-broadening opportunity for the delegates, whatever their original specialisation.
Outputs and outcomes
It is hoped the collegium will lead to:
- a group report for free circulation to interested parties such as other universities or shipyards
- a technical paper from each group suitable for publishing in a recognised, peer reviewed journal
- a group presentation to an invited audience of academics, industrialists, young engineers and students
- feedback and presentations from attendees to their home university or institution
- factual reports of interest to magazines such as the Professional Engineer, The Naval Architect, Marine Technology, Marine Engineers Review, Ingenia, LR Insight etc
- increasing worldwide exposure of LRET and the championing of marine science and engineering underpinning advanced marine design issues
- trained and skilled young engineers in shipyards, shipping companies and allied support services organisations
- enhanced understanding of the importance of marine issues by a wider public audience
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