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The University of Southampton

Advanced course in Aeroacoustics Event

08:30 - 15:45
12 - 16 September 2011

Event details

The prediction and control of flow generated noise poses some of the most important and challenging problems in acoustics. These problems form the basis of aeroacoustics. Typical applications include turbomachinery noise, aerodynamically generated noise in ducts and air moving systems, noise generated by unsteady flow over airframes and motor vehicles and, most challenging of all, noise generated by unsteady turbulent mixing in jets and wakes. The Advanced Course in Aeroacoustics provides an introduction to such phenomena, with an emphasis on the physics and modelling that underpin predictive acoustic analysis. The material presented on this course forms a sound practical basis for acousticians and engineers working at an advanced level in any of the above areas. There is a three-day core element of the course. This is preceded by an optional two-day refresher course in the principles of vibration and acoustics.

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