A Visit to the Cinema Seminar
For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Jonathan Lawn on +44 (0)23 8059 2294 or email J.Lawn@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
An ISVR seminar
Most people at Southampton University will have been to watch a film in a cinema at some time in their lives. Almost all will also have seen a film on television, or in a home cinema. We generally take the sound for granted, but there are a great amount of acoustic, electro-acoustic and psycho-acoustic factors involved in the process of mixing sound to picture.
This talk will explain the evolution of that process, from the first attempts in the 1920s to the current research being carried out to try to understand more about the very complicated issues involved.
Many technical advances have given rise to new problems, and have introduced almost as many complications as benefits. The 'trial and error' approach that has been the traditional way of making progress is at last giving way to some more serious investigation.
Everyone Welcome!
Speaker information
Philip Newell , Reflexion Arts