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The University of Southampton

Rotor Eddy Current Power Loss in Permanent Magnet (PM) Machine Seminar

14:00 - 15:00
25 January 2012
Building 13, Room 3021

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dina Shona Laila at .

Event details

This presentation will highlight the causes which produce rotor eddy current and will discuss the recent techniques applied by researchers to reduce them.

Abstract: Permanent Magnet machines are increasingly used in many industrial fields, because of their high efficiency, speed, power density, simpler construction and low maintenance. Applications of PM machine include gas turbine power plants, air-conditioning systems, machine tools, gas pumps, high performance vacuum pumps, flywheel energy storage systems and aircraft fuel pumps etc. Efficient and optimal design of the permanent magnet machines places emphasis on accurate prediction of their performance and losses.

Speaker information

Ali A Qazalbash ,Ali A Qazalbash

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