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The University of Southampton

A methodology to assess storm-induced coastal vulnerability. The case of the Catalan coast. Seminar

21 February 2012
Eustice Building (Building 5), Room 2011

Event details

Coastal Seminar Series: 2011/2012 Semester 2

Eva studied Environmental Sciences, and then a Masters in Marine Sciences, before moving onto her PhD where she is presently in her fourth year. The objective of her research is to develop a framework to assess coastal vulnerability at different scales including a vulnerability index considering the main processes affecting coastal zones. Her seminar will describe a methodology developed to assess storm induced vulnerability and is applied to the Catalan coast.

Speaker information

Eva Bosom ,PhD student, Laboratori d'Enginyeria Marítima (LIM), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC), Barcelona (presently visiting Southampton University)

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