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The University of Southampton

Fine Transfer in Electrical Switching Contact using Gold Coated Carbon-Nanotubes Seminar

18 April 2012
Building 13, Room 3021 Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this seminar, please email Dina Shona Laila at .

Event details

Electro-Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series

To improve the switching performance of MEMS relays, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been used to provide a compliant layer on switching contacts. In this study a Gold coated CNT composite surface synthesized on a silicon wafer, was mounted on the tip of a piezo-electric actuator and mated with a Au coated hemispherical surface. The spherical-planar configuration is used as a switching contact, in a range of material configurations. The switching contacts were tested under conditions typical of MEMS relay applications; 4V, 1-20mA; with a static contact force between 0.5 and 2mN. The switching characteristics of the surfaces are investigated, with particular focus given to the opening and closing voltage transients. At opening, to evaluate the thermodynamic process associated with the contact interface known as molten metal transfer; and at closing to evaluate the bounce characteristics. The carbon nano tube composite surface is compared in performance to reference surfaces.

Speaker information

Chamaporn Chianrabutra ,Postgraduate research student

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