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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Miss Heather L Brown BSc (Hons)

Postgraduate research student

Miss Heather L Brown 's photo

Miss Heather Brown is a Postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

I graduated from Environmental Science Bachelors Degree from the University of Southampton in 2016 and started the PhD entitled ‘Governance of sustainability in coastal zones of small islands’ the same year.

My undergraduate degree developed my interest in governance of natural resources and led me to the belief that good governance is crucial for sustainable development. My dissertation research looked at the consumer preferences for wild and farmed fish in Zomba, Southern Malawi. The most preferred and consumed fish species were identified, with important implications for aquaculture development and food security more generally in Southern Malawi.

Experiences from my undergraduate degree led me to start my current PhD project under the supervision of Dr Kate Schreckenberg and Dr Jack Corbett.

Research interests

  • Natural Resource Governance
  • Sustainable Research Management
  • Climate Change Resilience
  • Island Studies

Current Research Projects

PhD research: Tackling the societal challenge of achieving governance systems that anticipate and cope with immediate and slow changes to coastal landscapes in small islands. The different formal and informal policy and institutional arrangements operating within ridge-to-reef social-ecological system of Samoa will be assessed relating to their contribution to sustainability.

Title: Governance of sustainability in coastal zones of small islands

Supervisors: Dr Kate Schreckenberg and Dr Jack Corbett

Funded by:

EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant/ SMMI Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship Research Studentship from the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

Academic Unit

Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering and Sciences

Research group

Centre for Environmental Sciences

Miss Heather L Brown
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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