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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Mr James Miles BSc (Hons), MSc

iPhD Engineering and the Environment - Sustainable Infrastructure Systems

Mr James Miles's photo

James Miles is a postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.


BSc (Hons) Biology – University of St Andrews

MSc Marine Mammal Science – University of St Andrews

I have volunteered for a number of research organisations around the world and produced research projects looking at ‘the effect of shipping noise on humpback whale bubble-net feeding’ and investigated ‘why beaked whales perform shallow dives’ using data from high resolution Dtags. In my spare time I enjoy nature, sports, sailing, kayaking and diving.

Research interests

My research interests include the ecological impact of human disturbance, animal behaviour and underwater acoustics. Currently, my research focuses on how human activities, in particular the development of renewable energy, can affect animal behaviour and how animals use cues in their environment to navigate.

Professor Paul Kemp; Dr Andrew Vowles; Professor Paul White; Professor Timothy Leighton

PhD Title

Investigating and mitigating the impact of small-scale hydropower on freshwater fish

Sponsors: EPSRC; Natural Environment Research Council

Mr James Miles
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

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