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The University of Southampton
Engineering Postgraduate study

Miss Sarah T.V Neenan BSc (Hons.), MSc, Grad CIEEM, AIMarEST

Postgraduate research student

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Miss Sarah T.V Neenan is a Postgraduate research student within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

Sarah graduated from the University of Exeter in 2011 with a BSc(Hons.) in Biology and Animal Behaviour. She then moved to Falmouth to complete an MSc in Biodiversity and Conservation in 2012 at the University of Exeter’s Cornwall Campus. Whilst there she collaborated with the National Lobster Hatchery in Padstow to conduct a study on the suitability of tagging for use in fisheries stock enhancement. Now with a fondness for working in conservation and sustainable fisheries research she has joined the EngD programme at the University of Southampton to help investigate the impacts of anthropogenic noise pollution on fish populations.

Sarah is a member of the Institute of Fisheries Management, the Association of Engineering Doctorates, a graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, and an Associate of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

Research interests

Sarah’s main interest is the conservation of fish species. The fisheries industry is important economically for the UK and is often far from sustainable. Her current research focuses on the how anthropogenic noise pollution in the marine environment can impact on fish populations. She intends to add to the growing research on the implications of noise pollution on the physiology and behaviour of UK species, and hopes to provide vital information for use in policy and the setting of noise criteria guidelines for industry in the UK.

MPhil/PhD research

Marine transport and transport infrastructure impacts on noise pollution in near-shore marine and estuarine ecosystems: implications for fish.

Dr Pete Shaw
Professor Paul White
Professor Timothy Leighton
Dr Paul Kemp
Mr Rayner Piper (FugroEMU Ltd)

Sponsored by EPSRC and FugroEMU Ltd.

Research group

Centre for Environmental Sciences

Affiliate research groups

, International Centre for Ecohydraulic Research , Sponsored by Fugro EMU Limited , Collaborating with the Department of Biology at the University on Bonn

Miss Sarah T.V Neenan
Engineering, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ United Kingdom

Miss Sarah T.V Neenan's personal home page
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