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The University of Southampton

Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Propulsion Systems Noise: Facilities

Our researchers have access to a dedicated computing cluster as well as world class experimental facilities including:

Doak high pressure jet laboratory

Our Doak high pressure jet laboratory is fully anechoic and is used for jet and valve noise testing. The laboratory is equipped with 2inch and 38mm nozzles, high and low mass flow air supplies, a 64 channel data acquisition system and both polar and azimuthal microphone arrays.

Doak laboratory is fully equipped for making both noise measurements in an anechoic environment  and aerodynamic measurements such as hot wire measurements of jet turbulence.
Doak high pressure jet laboratory

DARP low noise open air wind tunnel

Our open jet wind tunnel allows for the self noise of airfoils and other objects to be measured under free field anechoic conditions. The jet is designed to be of low turbulence such that noise generated by the interaction of turbulence with the object is kept to a minimum. The facility also has low noise so that it does not mask the low levels of noise being measured. Noise measurements can be made at a maximum flow speed of 120m/s.

Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Propulsion Systems Noise

The Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton hosts the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Noise.

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