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The University of Southampton
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Electrochemical Equipment

nCATS has a wide range of electrochemical equipment from electrochemical workstations to Faraday cages to specialised specimen holders.

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nCATS has a wide range of electrochemical equipment from electrochemical workstations to Faraday cages to specialised specimen holders.  The workstations can perform a variety of electrochemical experiments including polarisation, impedance, noise and zero resistance ammetry.  The various techniques allow the exploration of corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour, including the measurement of corrosion current and potential of single and multiple-coupled metals in various corrosive environments.

Electrochemical Workstation
Electrochemical Workstation

The measurements can also explore polymer/paint coating protection, or even any non-metallic/conductive coating; measurements over periods of immersion allows the assessment of coating integrity.

Numerous project employ electrochemical equipment, from a student and research projects, to commercial work on consultancy jobs.

Projects include:

Papers that have utilised electrochemical equipment:

The electrochemical equipment can perform a number of standard measurements including:

  • Physical Electrochemistry - Techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and chronopotentiometry and derivatives of these techniques.
  • Pulse Voltammetry - Techniques such as pulse voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, and associated stripping techniques such as anodic stripping voltammetry.
  • DC Corrosion - Run standard DC corrosion tests such as polarization resistance, potentiodynamic, cyclic polarization, and galvanic corrosion in addition to a number of others.
  • Electrochemical Signal Analyzer -  Designed specifically for the acquisition and analysis of time-dependent electrochemical noise signals. Cell voltage and current are continuously monitored at rates from 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz. A full featured set of analysis tools provides powerful analysis features such as statistical analysis, detrending, impedance spectra, and histogram analysis.
  • Electrochemical Frequency Modulation - A non-destructive corrosion rate measurement technique. It allows for measurement of the corrosion rate without prior knowledge of the Tafel constants. In addition, the technique determines the Tafel constants and provides 2 internal validity checks.
  • Electrochemical Noise - A more general form of electrochemical noise testing
  • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy - includes experimental scripts for potentiostatic, galvanostatic and hybrid impedance spectroscopy experiments in addition to single frequency techniques like Mott-Schottky. We also have our unique power-leveling multisine technique that improves signal-to-noise across the spectrum. On the analysis side, it provides tools for fitting spectra to equivalent circuit models, Kramers-Kronig transform for data validation and a graphical model editor. Our software even includes a script for EIS simulation.

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