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The University of Southampton

Hearing and Balance Centre Seminars

This series of weekly seminars by invited speakers from outside the Hearing and Balance Centre runs over most of Semester 1 (usually at 12.00-13:00 on Tuesdays). A range of topics related to hearing and balance is covered spanning basic research, clinical practice and professional issues.

Attendance is expected by members of staff of HABC, PhD students and MSc students. The nature and the range of speakers means that some of the material may seem challenging. Nonetheless, one is encouraged to approach each one with an open and enquiring mind, and a desire to learn something about a topic or issue that one might not otherwise have been exposed to.

Needless to say, this is commonplace in professional life and the seminars will give an opportunity to develop such skills as well as the stimulation of hearing many leaders and innovators in their fields.

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