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The University of Southampton

Research project: Effect of the visual scene on motion sickness induced by combined lateral and roll oscillation

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Exposure to combined lateral and roll oscillation in a car can induce motion sickness, but effect of the visual scene on the development of this sickness is unknown. This project is focused on investigating effect of the visual scene on severity of motion sickness during combined lateral and roll oscillation. It is also focused on studying effect of visual content through virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) on motion sickness with exposure to motion.

Motion sickness has been a main issue for passengers for many centuries. Signs and symptoms associated with motion sickness include dizziness, bodily warmth, sweating, drowsiness, yawning, loss of appetite, increased or decreased salivation, headache, lethargy, “stomach awareness,” burping, nausea, pallor, and vomiting.

Literature has suggested that visual scene plays an important role in the development of motion sickness. However, no previous studies have investigated the effect of visual scene on motion sickness caused by lateral oscillation using normal and virtual viewing conditions.

Virtual reality (VR) is a system of visualization tools, which includes special virtual environment devices (i.e. head mounted display (HMD), CAVE-systems, systems of augmented reality). HMD was the first display system used for personal viewing and interaction with a virtual environment. The use of VR technology may modify the severity of motion sickness.

The objectives of this project are: 1) to quantify the illness ratings to find out whether the visual scene influences motion sickness caused by exposure to different motion directions: lateral oscillation, roll oscillation, and combinations of lateral and roll oscillation; 2) to determine if the use of virtual reality technology (head mounted display) can influence the severity of motion sickness during vibration exposure.

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