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The University of Southampton

Modelling for robust feedback control of fluid flows Seminar

12 December 2012
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available from 16.00 in the Lilley room (5019) in Tizard (building 13) and then the talk itself starts at 16.15 in room 3017.

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Jayne Cook on +44 (0)23 8059 7658 or email .

Event details

An AFM group seminar

Part of our autumn seminar series

Speaker information

Dr Bryn Jones , University of Sheffield. Dr Jones' main research interest is in the feedback control of fluids. Fluid flows, such as the water surrounding a sailing vessel, or the air moving across a wind turbine, are ubiquitous in nature and so the ability to control them conveys significant benefits across a wide range of applications, including drag reduction, turbulence induced noise and fatigue attenuation, and even hurricane suppression. Other research interests include: control of spatially distrubuted systems; control of systems governed by differential-algebraic equations; numerical methods for large, sparse systems; applications to fluid flows; novel technologies for marine and polar science.

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