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The University of Southampton
English Part of Humanities Postgraduate study

Miss Sophie Cavey

Postgraduate research student

Miss Sophie Cavey's photo

Miss Sophie Cavey is Postgraduate research student within English at the University of Southampton.

I completed my BA in Drama and Theatre Studies at the University of Kent in 2012. My undergraduate research predominantly focused upon the artistic movements of 1920s and 1930s Europe, in particular the emergence of performance art within Dadaism and Surrealism. I stayed at Kent to complete my MA in Comparative Literature. My dissertation was titled: ‘The Influence of Masculine Clothing Upon Female Gender Identity and Sexuality in The Vagabond by Colette, The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall, and Orlando by Virginia Woolf’.

Research interests

My PhD project examines the work of author Olive Moore and is supervised by Professor Clare Hanson and Dr Will May . With reference to Moore’s novels, Celestial Seraglio (1929), Spleen (1930) and Fugue (1932), I am investigating how Moore explores different modes of female disobedience as techniques of subversion that enable increased autonomy. I am interested in how Moore’s protagonists are able to confront and subvert restrictive definitions of womanhood and instead access alternative modes of subjective female identity. In the course of my research, I have also found Moore’s previously undiscovered journalism from the 1940’s and 1950’s which I am using to extend my discussion.

I am course representative for postgraduate research students and would be happy to respond to any problems or queries. Please email me on

Miss Sophie Cavey
Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Southampton Avenue Campus Highfield Southampton SO17 1BF United Kingdom
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