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The University of Southampton
Exilio Network English


Diasporas and antifascism in Europe, 1920s-1950s.

Centre universitaire Jean-François Champollion, Albi, France, 14 April 2011.

In this workshop the Exilio Network sets out to explore and perhaps establish a new framework for understanding the circulation of people, ideas and political strategies across and within national boundaries from the 1920s to the end of the 1940s. We revisit this period by exploring the interactions, commonalities and differences between antifascists of differing nationalities and their supporters. In doing so, we seek to understand the motivations, strategies, experiences and memories of people who transcended nation-bound forms of action for a common set of purposes.

More specifically, what were the defining characteristics behind the mobilisation of people from an array of different national backgrounds for an ostensibly common cause? What alternative spaces, political agendas, and forms of mutual solidarity, were created in the process? Can we speak of this phenomenon as constituent of an ‘antifascist diaspora’? The speakers at this event will address aspects of these questions through recent research into the overlapping experiences and strategies of migrants, their hosts, and representatives of international aid organisations during the most significant era of ideologically driven mass forced displacement in European history.

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