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The University of Southampton
Fundamental Care

Research project: Medical Devices and Vulnerable Skin Network (MDVSN) - Dormant

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From 2014-2019 we led UK EPSRC/NIHR-funded Network and NetworkPLUS initiatives on Medical Devices and Vulnerable Skin. These activities were designed to develop intelligent sensing to promote self-management and to bring novel designs to the medical device market in order to promote sustainable evolution and long-term healthcare improvements.

The Medical Devices and Vulnerable Skin Network
The Medical Devices and Vulnerable Skin Network

Examples of our projects include the assessment of respiratory face masks used for both adults and paediatric patients in intensive care units and the evaluation of pressure redistribution support surfaces.

This activity benefitted from collaboration with clinicians, academics and several UK and overseas companies in the healthcare industry (including Medstrom (UK), Care of Sweden (Sweden), HIVIX (Japan), Sumitomo Riko (Japan), Essity (Sweden), Peacocks Medical Group (UK), Footfalls and Heartbeats (UK), Sumed (UK), Xsensor, Canada), Hill-Rom (US)). Notable partners include King’s College London (Grocott and Sinkus) and University of Nottingham (Morgan) and NIHR Health Technology Co-operatives, WoundTec and Devices for Dignity. International collaboration has involved world leaders from the Netherlands (Oomens) and Israel (Gefen). We have also hosted several international researchers and clinicians from the US, Australia and Israel to undertake research in our facilities.

The network funded >£240,000 worth of projects from a range of partners. For more details, please see the website.

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