Research project: Sensor Smart Liner for a lower Limb prosthesis
Awarded as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP 11095) for 2018-19. Co-Applicant with Jiang (Southampton) and Zaheedi (Blatchford). Start date November 2018, £114k.
Awarded as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP 11095) for 2018-19. Co-Applicant with Jiang (Southampton) and Zaheedi (Blatchford). Start date November 2018, £114k.
The sensing and monitoring of mechanical loads at the interface between the residuum and prosthetic socket of lower limb amputees is important for physical rehabilitation and can potentially be used to prevent skin ulcers and/or soft tissue breakdown, which affects both function and the quality of life for many patients.
We have developed a unique TRi-axial Pressure and Shear (TRIPS) sensor system which is designed to be wearable and applicable at various body locations to provide real time feedback on biomechanical tissue interactions during daily activities. This project applies these unique wearable sensors incorporated within prosthetic liners at the interface to provide real time temporal data of pressure and shear during walking.
This research offers potential for disruptive technologies to help evaluate socket fit, tissue monitoring and gain new biomechanical insight in lower limb prosthetics.