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The University of Southampton
Film Part of Humanities

Inspirations: A Celebration of Pam Cook's Work in Film Studies. Event

10:00 - 17:00
9 November 2013
Lecture Theatre A Room 1077 Nuffield Theatre Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Professor Tim Bergfelder at .

Event details

A day of celebration and scholarly discussions of Pam Cook's writings.

Salome (1923)

Pam Cook (Professor Emerita at Southampton) has been shaping the field of Film Studies since the 1970s. Her groundbreaking Cinema Book (first published in 1985) remains a standard in film curricula the world over, while her many influential interventions have covered subjects such as feminist criticism, the history of popular cinema; the intersection between screen cultures, fashion, and design; stardom; and nostalgia.  During the day event colleagues, friends, and former students celebrate and discuss Pam's work in the context of the changing face of Film Studies, while Pam herself will talk about her latest research project. There will also be an opportunity to watch the silent film Salome (1923). The event is open to everybody.


Claire Hines (Southampton Solent University): Exploitation Revisited: Putting the Dyke into Dykesploitation

Richard Dyer (King's College London): The Giallo and Exploitation

Sarah Street (University of Bristol): Pianos, Affect, and Memory

Catherine Grant (University of Sussex): Mirrors, Melodrama and Pam Cook: A Video Essay

Michael Williams (University of Southampton): Desiring the Present, Longing for the Past: Stars, Idols and Nostalgia

Pam Cook (University of Southampton): Natacha Rambova: Designing Culture, Staging Exoticism and Performing Identity in the 1920s.

Panel Discussion: Pam Cook's Influence on the Development of Film Studies (Pam Cook, Richard Dyer, Catherine Grant, Claire Hines, Sarah Street, Michael Williams; chaired by Tim Bergfelder )

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