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The University of Southampton
Finance, Planning and Analytics

PASNAS: Death Benefits

What benefits are payable if I die in service before my Normal Retirement Date?

If you die before your Normal Retirement Date and you were an Active Member at the time of your death, the following will be payable:

A lump sum of an amount equal to the value of:
- 3 x your annual Pensionable Salary at death, and
- A refund of the employee contributions (including and contributions paid via Salary Sacrifice)

A dependant's pension:
- For the first three months after your death - a dependent's pension equal to your monthly pensionable salary followed by a dependent's pension (1/160th x final pensionable salary pensionable service)

A child's pension, if you leave a child who:
- is below age 16 or
- is undergoing full-time education or vocational training and is below age 23
No more than two children can receive a child's pension at any one time. The amount payable to each child depends upon the number of children who are eligible and whether or not a pension is currently being paid to a dependant.

Pensionable Service will include the service that you could have completed had you remained an Active member of PASNAS up to Normal Retirement Date

What benefits are payable if I die after I have retired and my pension has started?

The following benefits will be payable:
- A lump sum equal to the five year guarantee, plus
- A dependant's pension of 50% of your pension
The pension before any cash commutation will be used to determine the value of the dependant’s pension.
-A child's pension, which will be paid and determined in a similar way to that described in the first scenario above, except that the allowance is based on the pension you were actually receiving immediately before your death.

Who will receive the cash sum payable on my death?

This lump sum will normally be paid to your nominated beneficiary or beneficiaries, although the Trustees are not legally bound by this.
It is very important that you keep your nomination form up to date if your circumstances change.

A link to the nomination (Expression of Wish) form can be found below:

PASNAS Expression of Wish Form.docx

Who receives the Dependant's pension?

This pension is normally paid to your spouse (same or different sex) or Civil Partner. However, the pension may, at the discretion of the Trustees, be paid to somebody else who was financially dependent or inter-dependent with you, who was living with you in a relationship closely resembling marriage.

It may also be paid to an individual who the Trustees are of the opinion was wholly or partially financially dependent upon you at the date of your death. The Trustees will consider, but are not bound to follow, any nomination that you make as to the person you wish the Trustees to treat as your Dependant.

A link to the nomination (Expression of Wish) form can be found below.

If you are not survived by a spouse or Civil Partner, the Trustees may decide that no Dependant's pension shall be payable or that a reduced pension will be payable.

Please note: There will be a reduction to the pension if it is going to be paid to a spouse or Civil Partner who is more than 10 years younger than the member. The reductions will be determined by the Trustee acting on actuarial advice.

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