Delegates from CUEB visit the University of Southampton
On Monday 14th of July the University of Southampton's Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences played host to delegates from the Chinese University of Economics and Business (CUEB).
The delegation included Professor Sun Shanxue, the Vice Chairperson of the University Council, and Professor Feng Xiliang, Dean of the School of Labour Economics, as well as other senior members of staff. They met with key members of FSHMS staff including Professor Jane Falkingham, Dean of the faculty, and Professor Derek McGhee, Head of Social Sciences.
The visit began with a collegial lunch at the Highfield Campus Blue Rooms restaurant hosted by Professor Peter Smith, Assistant Vice President (International), before moving to an afternoon seminar delivered on the subject of aging populations across the world. Talks were given by Professor Maria Evandrou and Dr Athina Vlachantoni from the University of Southampton, and Professor Feng Xiliang from CUEB. This was a valuable opportunity for academics from both universities to meet and discuss ideas about a subject which is so important and pressing in both the UK and China.
Professor Sun Shanxue was also taken on a tour of Highfield campus, where he complimented the university architecture and especially the provision of a professional theatre and music hall on campus.
CUEB's School of Labour Economics and the University of Southampton currently have Studyabroad, Exchange and Master's programmes. We hope to expand our partnership with CUEB in future as a consequence of this very fruitful visit.