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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

University of Auckland Visit

Published: 19 September 2017
University of Auckland

On Tuesday 19th September the University of Southampton welcomed Dr Lynette Read from the University of Auckland for a visit to discuss research themes in Social Sciences and potential avenues for future collaboration.

Lynette is the Research Development Manager in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Auckland, and she came to Southampton to participate in a number of research theme presentations lead by academics from the University of Southampton.

On Tuesday morning, Lynette met with Professor Chris Armstrong from Politics, Dr Silke Roth from Sociology and Dr Manos Mentzakis from Economics as well as Mark Cranshaw from the Faculty International Partnerships Office. Professor Jane Falkingham, Dean of the Faculty, then hosted a lunch for Lynette to give her a chance to see more of the University of Southampton campus as well as a chance to network with fellow academics.

In the afternoon, representatives from the Geography and Environment department gave their presentations and discuss areas of shared research interests between the two universities. This included Professor Graham Moon, Professor Jadu Dash and Professor Pete Langdon who is the Head of Geography and Environment.

The visit was a great opportunity for establishing shared ground between the two universities, and it is hoped that it will be the first of many such meetings.

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