Welcome Dinner 29th October 2018
The Welcome Dinner for the 2018/19 Partner Student intake took place on Monday 29th October at 6pm in the Level 1 Foyer of the Murray Building (58).
The Faculty International Office provided an authentic Chinese buffet at the welcome dinner, and gave partner students across the Faculty of Social Sciences the chance to eat delicious food and meet key academic staff.
It was a great success, with many students taking the opportunity to make new friends! For this year's dinner, academics in attendance included: Prof Jane Falkingham, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences; Prof Brenda Hannigan, Head of School of Law; and Dr Jan Podivinsky, Director of Internationlisation in Economics. Meng Zhan, Student Advisor, and Song Pan Utz , Senior Manager of the Faculty International Office of Social Sciences, were both also available to provide hands on advice to the students.
The Faculty International Office team would like to thank everyone who came along to the dinner. It was lovely to meet so many of you there!