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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Student Open Forum: Assessments and Exams

Published: 29 October 2019
Launching Student Open Forum Series

On the 29th October 2019, the Faculty International Office of Social Sciences launched the ‘Student Open Forum’ series with a session on assessments and exams. The forum included an interactive panel consisting of: academics, support staff, and student representation. This popular event very quickly sold out and demonstrated the demand for more student-focused events!

The purpose of the series is to give our international students in the Faculty, the access to the advice and support that they will need in order to succeed in their studies at Southampton. This is also an opportunity for students to ask any questions that they may have. The Faculty International Office will be arranging these forums throughout the academic year concentrating on a variety of themes such as study skills, academic support, exam advice, and student wellbeing. The forums are also an environment for students to socialise with academic and support staff, as well as meet new friends.

Prof Sabu Padmadas, Associate Dean International of Social Sciences, opened the event with a welcome talk and overview of the activities. The panel members then each gave short talks introducing themselves to the students. After the introductions, the students were able to raise their questions to the panel.

The panel for the launch event included: Prof Russell Bentley, Professor of Political Theory; Dr Jan Podivinsky, Director of Internationalisation in Economic, Social and Political Science; Dr Alessia D’Amato, Programme Lead, MSc International Management, Business School; Parth Pandya, Social Sciences Faculty Officer – Southampton University Students’ Union; and Peter Kargbo, Academic Engagement Librarian, Academic Skills Hub.  This diverse panel allowed students to obtain advice from different perspectives.

It was wonderful to see the student’s participation in the forum and to witness their enthusiasm for being able to have their questions discussed and answered by the panel. The panel also very much enjoyed taking part in this experience!

After the lively discussion, the students and panel joined FIO team members Miriam Gómez López, Daisy Lauren-Sherburn, and Jenna Graham in the foyer of the Murray Building (58) for delicious pizza and soft drinks. The panel and FIO staff mingled with and engaged in animated conversation with the students, answering many more of their questions in the process!

The Faculty International Office team found it very encouraging to receive such a great response to our first Student Open Forum event. We very much look forward to organising our next two events from the series later in the year!

Prof Sabu Padmadas giving opening talk
Prof Sabu Padmadas giving opening talk
Prof Russell Bentley giving introductory talk
Prof Russell Bentley giving introductory talk
Dr Jan Podivinsky giving introductory talk
Dr Jan Podivinsky giving introductory talk
Dr Alessia D’Amato giving introductory talk
Dr Alessia D’Amato giving introductory talk
Parth Pandya giving introductory talk
Parth Pandya giving introductory talk
Peter Kargbo giving presentation on academic support available to students
Peter Kargbo giving presentation on academic support available to students
The panel taking questions from students
The panel taking questions from students
Prof Sabu Padmadas answering students questions
Prof Sabu Padmadas answering students questions
Students mingling with staff and enjoying delicious pizza!
Students mingling with staff and enjoying delicious pizza!
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