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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Faculty of Social Sciences Offer Holder Forums for January starters

Published: 18 November 2020
Studying image

On 4th and 18th November, the Faculty of Social Sciences held online forums for students due to study courses in Business, Economics, and Education in January 2021.

Both of these forums were well received by students, who appreciated the pre-departure advice and the chance to ask questions directly to academics from their schools. They were also able to meet other Southampton offer holders who will be starting their courses with them in the New Year!

During the forums, academics from each school provided an overview of the structure of the courses, as well as guidance for how students should prepare for their studies. They also took part in question and answer sessions to address student’s concerns and offer their support.

In the 4th November forum, Dr Rob Angell represented Southampton Business School, and Dr Jan Podivinsky represented the School of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences. Dr Ran Peleg and Dr Marta Cristina Azaola participated in the 18th November forum on behalf of Southampton Education School.

Prof Sabu Padmadas, Associate Dean International of Social Sciences, and Song Pan Utz, Senior Manager of Faculty International Office, also joined these forums and responded to offer holders’ questions about travelling to the UK, studying online, and offered reassurance about safety on campus.

These wide reaching forums connected staff with offer holders and enquirers from countries across the globe, including: China, Hong Kong, India, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Russia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Middle East. We very much enjoyed meeting our new students and we're delighted to welcome them to the faculty!

SBS and Economics Forum
SBS and Economics Forum
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