Faculty of Social Sciences hosts an online partner event with CUEB (Beijing)

On 22nd April 2021, Social Sciences held a very engaging online partner event with Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB), Beijing.
During the event, Southampton colleagues from the School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences (ESPS), Dr Craig Webber, Prof Nikos Tzavidis, Dr Traute Meyer, and Dr Jan Podivinsky met with two of CUEB’s Deans: Prof Feng, Dean of the School of Labour Economics, and Prof Yin, Dean of the School of Finance. Song Pan Utz hosted the session, facilitating introductions and happy recollections of the inaugural UoS-CUEB summer school held in 2019.
After the introductions, ESPS colleagues presented a fantastic series of talks to current CUEB students, highlighting the range of FSS programmes available to them through the FSS-CUEB partnership. Song also gave a talk about application processes, student experience at Southampton and the specific support that we provide to partner students. The presentation was very well received, with some students still in the classroom querying about the joint programmes an hour after the presentation had finished!
The Faculty International Office team looks forward to continuing the UoS-CUEB immersion summer school in the future. The summer school offers Southampton students an amazing opportunity to visit Beijing, study at CUEB, and take in Chinese culture. Check out these thoughtful reflections from Southampton students on the last trip!