University of Southampton's India Centre leads vital pandemic appeal for India
The University of Southampton's India Centre, in partnership with the India Business Group, the Social Impact Lab, Southampton University Students' Union (SUSU), Southampton University India Society, the International Office, the University's Indian Alumni Network and with support from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, is raising awareness of the devastating situation in India as a result of Covid, and asking supporters to donate to the British Asian Trust's Oxygen for India Emergency Appeal.
Hospitals in India have stopped admitting patients because they are running low on vital supplies and equipment including oxygen. The need for oxygen and oxygen concentrators (which can recycle oxygen from the air and deliver directly to the patient) is urgent, leading the British Asian Trust to appeal for funds to rapidly deploy this vital equipment to the hospitals and patients who need them most.
Please click on the just giving website link below to support the British Asian Trust in their vital work at this critical time. If you would like to contact us about this appeal, please email: .
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