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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

MENA Business Insights Tour

Published: 6 December 2021

From the 6th to 8th December 2021, Southampton Business School (SBS) in collaboration with University International Office (UIO) and Faculty International Office of Social Sciences (FIO) undertook a virtual tour of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to raise SBS profile in the region. Dr Rob Angell, Professor Paurav Shukla and Dr Shahnaz Ibrahim as key speakers, gave talks in universities and through agents in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

Dr Rob Angell (Director of Internationalisation, SBS) said: "We met some amazing and talented students in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia (and even the UK!). The future looks bright indeed. Big thanks to Shahnaz Ibrahim (Senior Teaching Fellow in Strategy and Innovation, SBS) and Paurav Shukla (Professor of Marketing, SBS) for delivering awesome talks and being generous in time and spirit, and Miriam Gomez Lopez (Faculty International Officer, FIO) and Rami Al Mousa (Country Development Manager for Middle East, UIO) for operationalising the SBS virtual tour model so well."

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