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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Politics and International Relations - 'The Trust Crisis: A Documentary'

Published: 16 February 2022

Academic colleagues in the Politics and International Relations department, within the School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, have formed the TrustGov research project. The TrustGov project has teamed up with the film production company Silverfish to create a documentary about political trust.

The documentary explores how diverse, ordinary citizens (from the UK, USA and Denmark) feel about their governments, political institutions, politicians and why they feel this way. The film highlights the state of political trust in the world and whether it has been declining in recent times; furthermore it looks at what the consequences may be for our democracies and society. The documentary includes extensive interviews with multiple academics from the UK, USA, Denmark, France and Iceland, as well as various journalistic experts, community activists and ordinary citizens. Academics from TrustGov and beyond share their findings and ideas with the audience in an engaging and relatable way, woven together with the personal stories of ordinary citizens.

For more information about the project, please visit:

Click here to view the full documentary, or watch below.

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