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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

SUFE Spring Promotion

Published: 8 March 2022

On 8th March 2022, Song Utz (Senior Executive Officer, Faculty International Office of Social Sciences (FIO)), Dr Rob Angell (Associate Dean International of Social Sciences), and Dr Jan Podivinsky (Director of Internationalisation (DOI), School of Economics, Social and Political Sciences (ESPS)) gave an online promotional talk to 60 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) students.

Dr Jan Podivinsky talked about the long-standing partnership between SUFE and the Economics department within ESPS. He noted that SUFE has been one of the most important partners for ESPS and mentioned that prior to the pandemic, he regularly visited SUFE in person to meet with students. He then gave an engaging talk about the Economics DipHE study abroad programme, detailing the entry requirements, and other key information.

Song shared the highlights of attending the University of Southampton. She mentioned the University’s high academic standing, as well as the support and facilities available. She also spoke about student life in the city and the beauty and heritage of the surrounding areas.

This online promotion ended with a question-and-answer session where colleagues answered a wide range of questions from students, and Song helpfully answered questions in both Mandarin and English.

Afterwards, FIO sent SUFE students the contact details of current SUFE partner student Haodi Xu, who is studying on the DipHE Study Abroad programme, who has very kindly made herself available to speak to SUFE students via Wechat and give them first-hand advice and support. We thank Haodi for offering to share her experience with students!

FIO will keep in touch with SUFE students and continue to answer their questions before they arrive in Southampton.

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